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S Mark fluorescent worksite marker

S Mark : fluorescent worksite marking paint

The fluorescent worksite marking paint

S MARK FLUO is used for everyday ground marking and identification work in the following areas : roadworks, earthworks, piping, buildings, electrical installations and identifying underground utilities. Easy to use, S MARK FLUO is now fitted with ‘TP’ cap in the same colour as the paint.

Properties of the S Mark

  • Usable on a very wide range of surfaces, such as : concrete, asphalt, grass, gravel, sand, stone and wood.
  • A particularly robust safety cap (a full aerosol dropped from a height of 1.50m will remain intact)
  • Rapid drying : approximateley 10min
  • Excellent coverage over a large surface area : 1 aerosol is sufficient to paint a line 55 m long and 2 cm wide using the Soppec One-wheel applicator
  • Good marking duration even on wet surfaces : up to 6 months for fluorescent paint, depending on application conditions, surface and UV exposure
  • S Mark non-fluorescent marking may last even longer
  • Can be used to -15°C

A patented safety cap

patented soppec security cap

Only 3 pictograms

high pressure sprayflammable productproduit toxique gooddangerous product for the user product dangerous for the environment

Caracteristics of the Fluo TP

7 highly fluorescent colors

red neon spray paint   orange neon spray paint yellow neon spray paint   green neon spray paint  blue neon spray paint pink neon spray paint 

Red S Mark
ref : 141913USCAN

Orange S Mark
ref : 141916USCAN

Yellow S Mark
ref : 141917USCAN

Green S Mark
ref: 141918USCAN

Blue S Mark
ref: 141919USCAN

Pink S Mark
ref: 141925USCAN

Also available in non fluorescent color : White S Mark.

Composition of the S Mark


Binder: acrylic.

Pigments: mineral and organic, free from heavy metals.

Solvents: complex blend free from chlorinated solvents and aromatic compounds.

Propellant: specific blend of isobutane and propane.

Application method of the S Mark

Manually or using our purpose-designed application equipment (One-wheel applicator & gun handle).

BEFORE USE: shake vigorously head down.

AFTER USE: purge head up.

Health and safety

Les fiches Safety data sheets are available free of charge on the internet: www.quick-fds.com.

No paint mist or drips during use.

GHS labelling with a single pictogram.


soppec construction catalogue technical data sheet SDS S Mark 
