Welcome to soppec-inc.com | Subsidiary of the Technima Group

International Coatings Care commitment

SOPPEC was one of the leaders to introduce in France the Coatings Care international program in the 1990s. This program has now been implemented in more than ten countries such as Canada, Brazil, Japan, Australia, USA and France. 
Its signatories commit themselves to control the impacts of their activities on health, safety and the environment. All of them adhere to genuine ethics of responsibility.

QSE-certified management system

The QSE integrated management system is based on three certifications – ISO 9001 for Quality, ISO 14001 for the Environment and OHSAS 18001 for Health and Safety. In these three complementary fields, the SOPPEC approach is based on analyzing and preventing risks, on-going improvement of performances, compliance with regulatory requirements and customer satisfaction. The triple certification has been renewed successfully every three years since 2004.

Safety and the Environment - our principal priorities


  • Our products are designedwithout CMR compounds(carcinogenic, mutagenicand toxic…) to reproductionsubstances of class 1A, 1B & 2above 0.1%
  • Without Hexan et Methanol,Toluen et Xylen• Without heavy metals such asLead (PB), Cadmium (Cd), …
  • Without EnvironmentalHazard statement n° 412 :“toxic to aquatic organismslong-term damage to theecosystem”
  • Our labels are in compliancewith EU regulationn°1272/2008and with its adaptation

SOPPEC's sustainable development charter

Our company is committed to : 

  • To make environmental protection, human health, and responsibility for individuals the conditions of its survival.
  • To promote internally a genuine sustainable development attitude, where social dialogue, awarness raising, staff training and organization to achieve this reign supreme.
  • To act as an ambassador for the sustainable develoment to its customers, suppliers and partners.
  • To behave as a socially responsible company by conducting a policy of transparency, on-going improvement and listening.
  • To contribute to the search for and development of ever-safer products.
  • To comply with and even anticipate the health, safety and environment regulations for an economically acceptable cost.
  • To make its ethical and law-abiding behavor the findamental rule in its commercial initiatives.