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Protect Mark Soppec vernis de protection

Protect Mark : Protective varnish in aerosol

Extends the duration of marking paint or chalk line

Protect Mark does exactly that, it protects your chalk line or spray paint marking to ensure it remains clearly visible for even longer.

Properties of the Protect Mark

  • Extends the duration of fluorescent marking thanks to a formulation that is resistant to both UV rays and mechanical aggression and wear.
  • A particularly robust safety cap (a full aerosol dropped from a height of 1.50m will remain intact)
  • Can be used up to -15°C
  • Colourless when applied
  • Drying time : 5 to 10min

A patented safety cap

patented soppec security cap

Only 3 pictograms

high pressure sprayflammable productproduit toxique gooddangerous product for the user product dangerous for the environment

Caracteristics of the Pro Marker

1 translucide safety cap

capots transparent

Protect Mark
ref : 142000USCAN


Composition of the Pro Marker


Binder: acrylic resins ans waxes

Pigments: mineral and organic, free from heavy metals.

Solvents: complex blend free from chlorinated solvents and aromatic compounds.

Propellant: specific blend of isobutane and propane

Application method of the Pro Marker

Manually or using our purpose-designed application equipment (One-wheel applicator & gun handle).

BEFORE USE: shake vigorously head down.

AFTER USE: purge head up.

Health and safety

Safety data sheets are available free of charge on the internet: www.quick-fds.com.

No paint mist or drips during use.

GHS labelling with a single pictogram.


soppec construction catalogue technical data sheet SDS Protect Mark
